Friday, October 20, 2006

Sem 1 06/07 -- Finito

Ok, not quite the end of the semester yet, since there will be finals to get over with first. End of lectures though. I'll be taking some time to wind down, after preparing for reports and stuff.

Going to have a nice weekend, off to Hutan Bandar on Saturday, and Singapore on Sunday. Checking out some chamber music in Singapore, for quite a cheap price. Going with Wan Heng for these two outings.

Thinking of going for a holiday for part of the one month break. I keep visualizing a peaceful beach side, where I can walk on the sand and feel the breeze on my chubby cheeks hehe. Somewhere where I can clear up my mind about some stuff...

Ooh, Scrubs is on. Guess I'll go off now.

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