Friday, September 22, 2006

The -sei mei- list

Lately I had been using the term 'sei mei' around my good friend YY. To the uninitiated, 'sei mei' literally means 'haven't die?' in Cantonese, but it also carries other meanings. Most readers should know ya.. I hope.

This term was just to emphasize the weird and amazing things I actually could do, when I should not be doing it.

Let's have a look at it to know what I'm actually talking about~~

miao's -sei mei- list

#1- psm presentation on the next day and my slides are not even ready!
#2- psm presentation on the next day and still can jalan-jalan in JJ after dinner on the day before!
#3- in JJ, saw a cute guy and wanted to show YY, then YY have to play hide-n-seek with the guy to get a look
#4- in the end, she look at the wrong guy.. -____-"
#5- when reverse car, never see behind.. and knock down a stationary motorbike..

hahah...its quite short for now..
erm..getting sleepy now. put up another post next time la.

take care u out there :)

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